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Saturday, January 24, 2009

qunfuz: Misha'al (and Clegg)

Robin Yassin-Kassab's blog entry on Misha`al and Clegg is important to read because it addresses the overwhelming media power of the Israel in both the UK and the USA, the Zionist mental colonization of British government officials, and Hamas' alleged anti-Semitism.

Media Access

One could argue that the US and the British government have decided that Americans and Brits will not hear the Palestinian narrative because the State of Israel is an ally, but the hypothesis conflicts with media behavior in other conflicts like that between the Serbs, Bosnyaks, and Croats or like that between Serbia and Albanian Kosovars.

For example, Steven Erlanger of the NY Times was careful to document the Serb narrative and affirm that Serbs had a right to their own view of the conflict even though the sympathies of the US government were clearly against Serbia.

In the conflict over Palestine not only do racist Jewish facilitators and gatekeepers in the media decide what N. Americans and Brits may here in the N. American and UK media, but Jewish media moguls like Haim Saban are particularly desperate to buy control over al-Jazeera while other Jewish and Zionist organizations have worked hard to block the broadcast of English-language versions of Arabic news into N. American and UK markets.

As far as I can tell from speaking with insiders at the Boston Globe, the editors were directly ordered (by the owner, which is the NY Times) to limit access of Arabs and Muslims to the opinion pages.

Here is the breakdown of Globe opinion coverage from days before the start of the Zionist War on Gaza until the end.

[Note how quickly Arab and Muslim American groups lost the modicum of access that they had been granted.]
Globe Opinion Coverage of War on Gaza
Malley and Greenwald are quite perceptive on ME issues, but if the coverage is going to be almost totally Jewish, the Op-Ed editor (Marjorie Pritchard) could have at least solicited a piece from Harvard Professor Sarah Roy, who has actually lived and worked extensively in Gaza.

Carroll is the Globe's token Catholic op-ed writer, but he has shown himself to be more concerned with Jewish opinion than with Catholic opinion and has a real blind-spot about the nature of Zionism. (In truth the treatment of Gaza can be fully understood in terms of kibbush hakarka` and kibbush haavodah.) Couldn't the Globe have given someone like Boston College Professor Father Helmick an op-ed column?

Mental Colonization of Politicians

Like his British counterpart Obama has already evinced Zionist mental colonization by his almost immediate approval of missile strikes on Pakistan. Because this sort of tactic will inevitably destabilizing Pakistan into a failed state with horrible consequences throughout South Asia and disastrous reverberations throughout the world, these drone attacks only make sense in the context of the ongoing Zionist effort to incinerate one Arab or Muslim country after another.

Other examples of American politicians whose brains have been reprogrammed to Zionist specifications are described in

In general Americans and Brits do not discuss anti-Semitism with sufficient precision:
Fairly shortly after Wilhelm Marr created the term Antisemitismus, the counterpart term Antigojismus (anti-Gentilism) appears in German and antigoyizm in Yiddish.

In some sense anti-anti-Semitism is the counterpart to anti-anti-communism, which was an American leftist position maintaining that anti-communist politics was more of a problem than communist politics in the USA

In contrast, anti-anti-Semitism has less ideological content and usually is a vacuous accusation that someone or some text is expressing anti-Semitism.

Anti-anti-Semitism is essentially a technique that Jews and the organized Jewish community use to intimidate critics.

As a political position anti-anti-Semitism amounts to the claim that anti-Semitism is more of a problem than Jewish fanaticism, Jewish racism, Jewish extremism, Jewish radicalism, Zionism or (at the beginning of the twentieth century) Jewish Bolshevism, which collectively could be considered to constitute "Semitism."

When anti-anti-Semitism becomes neurotic, it is anti-Semitosis.

Anti-Semitism in Wilhelm Marr's biological determinist evolutionary social Darwinist sense really does not exist any more, but because of the continued existence of the State of Israel and racist Zionist politics in the USA, Judeophobia is definitely and quite understandably increasing worldwide.
Conspiracy Theories

Robin is probably too harsh on Hamas for including material from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in its Constitution. People develop conspiracy theories to explain political situations where the details of the real connections between events and the principal protagonists are either obscure or concealed.

No one seems to complain when Daniel Pipes spins conspiracy theories that are far more outrageous than the Protocols. (See Saudia in the Gun Sights.) In comparison with Pipes's Muslim conspiracy theories, the Protocols has genuine plausibility because Jewish Bolsheviks and Jewish Zionists were really acting conspiratorily but rarely together. (The Zionists as transnational political actors still undertake conspiracies in the N American and the UK.)

In other words, sometimes political conspiracies are real. The Protocols is ridiculous -- apart from its rather pedantic and professorial presentation -- not for identifying Jewish conspiracy but
  • for assuming that there is a single Jewish conspiracy working to achieve world domination and
  • for failing to explain the unfolding of events both in the Soviet Union and also in Palestine.
Zionism itself did not and still does not constitute a single conspiracy. Jabotinsky and his colleagues often acted conspiratorially not only against non-Jews but also against Zionists with different politics.

Jabotinskian Zionists developed an ideology of at least partially conspiratorial ethnonational financial warfare during the 20s and 30s.

When Jabotinskian Zionists took power in Israel, they began putting Jabotinsky's plan into action.

There is no easier way to maximize profit in the various financial markets than by creating bubbles and busts. The market data since the 80s is so suspicious that the absence of discussion about long term financial conspiracy should arouse questions about the possibility
  • of an active conspiracy among Jews in the media and in economics to supress discussion of Jewish Zionist financial conspiracy or
  • of a Jewish collective reflex to dismiss the high probability of a conspiracy because they learned in Jewish educational programs that Jewish conspiracies are only a figment of paranoid gentile anti-Semitic delusions.
In either case Jewish journalists and economists have managed because of their disproportionate representation in their fields to suppress a discussion that may be necessary for the survival of the USA and for the salvation of the world economy.


Not only does the control that Jewish Zionists are able to exert over American discourse harm Palestinians as Robin indicates, but Jewish Zionist ability to limit discussion has become a clear and present danger to America and the world. Sphere: Related Content