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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Charting Stocks: Proof: Israeli Effort to Destabilize Iran Via Twitter #IranElection

Because Zionists engage in all sorts of Internet and Web related manipulations, the Tweeter story below hardly seems improbable, but Juan Cole has different analysis on his blog in Class v. Culture Wars in Iranian Elections: Rejecting Charges of a North Tehran Fallacy.

Because Iran has characteristics of a nanny-state, Cole may be correct in identifying a sort of annoyance factor increasing the vote for Mir Hosain Mousavi, but the USA also creates an annoyance factor that tends to bolster Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Previous blog entries discussing less significant but still annoying Zionist tech-based activities are:
The third blog entry in the above list points out that we only recently learned that the Lusitania was carrying ammunition as the Germans claimed during WW1. One has to wonder how long it might take to sort out the facts about the Iranian election.

The identity of the winner of the election is probably not significant to the USA, which has no history of supporting democracy in the ME. Ahmadinejad has tended to enrage Zionists by challenging Zionist Holocaust mythology, but there does not seem to have been much in the way of policy differences between the two candidates.

Proof: Israeli Effort to Destabilize Iran Via Twitter #IranElection

Monday, June 15, 2009 19:52
Posted in category Politics

Right-wing Israeli interests are engaged in an all out Twitter attack with hopes of delegitimizing the Iranian election and causing political instability within Iran.

Anyone using Twitter over the past few days knows that the topic of the Iranian election has been the most popular. Thousands of tweets and retweets alleging that the election was a fraud, calling for protests in Iran, and even urging followers hack various Iranian news websites (which they did successfully). The Twitter popularity caught the eye of various blogs such as Mashable and TechCrunch and even made its way to mainstream news media sites.

Were these legitimate Iranian people or the works of a propaganda machine? I became curious and decided to investigate the origins of the information. In doing so, I narrowed it down to a handful of people who have accounted for 30,000 Iran related tweets in the past few days. Each of them had some striking similarities -

1. They each created their twitter accounts on Saturday June 13th.
2. Each had extremely high number of Tweets since creating their profiles.
3. “IranElection” was each of their most popular keyword
4. With some very small exceptions, each were posting in ENGLISH.
5. Half of them had the exact same profile photo
6. Each had thousands of followers, with only a few friends. Most of their friends were EACH OTHER.

Why were these tweets in English? Why were all of these profiles OBSESSED with Iran? It became obvious that this was the work of a team of people with an interest in destabilizing Iran. The profiles are phonies and were created with the sole intention of destabilizing Iran and effecting public opinion as to the legitimacy of Iran’s election.

[To read the rest of the article, click here.]

One Third of the Iranian People
provides an Icelandic view, which is important in this era of globalization when those that raped Iceland are part of the Obama administration and already planning to give Iran the same treatment.

Mondoweiss published a blog enrtry arguing that Ahmadinejad probably won: Mohammad of Vancouver: Tehran is burning, and who is fueling the fires?
[Other Iran/Ahmedinejad Blog Articles]

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