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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dr Jim West: Maybe They Would Like to be Spit On Too…

Orthodox Jews in Jersualem that is, who have been around and about lately spitting on Franciscans. Just imagine the outcry if Christians wandering around Jerusalem started spitting on Jews. Cries of racism and anti-semitism would fill the air. Let Franciscans, though, get a face full of Jewish spit and you can’t find a word of it in the American Press. It’s only the Italians who bother to tell the despicable tale.

What’s so galling about the disposition of some adherents of Orthodox Judaism is their apparent belief that they can treat others as poorly as they wish but no one should treat them badly or even whisper the fact they they are just as racist as their foes.

A friend of mine and I once got into a fairly heated argument about the Jews. He said, ‘what you don’t understand is that they bring a lot of this on themselves.’ I said, ‘that’s the same thing as saying a rape victim brought it upon herself. You can’t blame the victim for the vile ignorant evil of their attacker.’ Hence, whatever cause the Orthodox may give, they will forever remain unjustified in their wicked treatment of the priests following the order of St. Francis. The ‘persecuted’ have become the ‘persecutors’. As is always the case. Even among the Jews.
I have received emails from a Jerusalem cleric on the subject that Dr. Jim West reports above. The spitting has been going on for a long time, and I have the impression that a lot of Christian clergy suffered in silence for the sake of interfaith amity and in the hope that they could work with the Israeli government to improve the situation. Now decades later, the problem is worse, and the Israeli government does nothing or hopes that the Christian clergy, who often report about Zionist mistreatment of Palestinians, will disappear.

As a Jewish studies expert, I have to point out that Western Europeans and Americans often have a false view of Jewish history in Eastern Europe.

Under Russian rule in particular, Ethnic Ashkenazim were a frustrated former or disenfranchised elite of Commonwealth Poland.

Jewish anger at loss of status turned toward violence against non-Jews almost 100 years before the German mass murders of Jews started after the German Army initiated Operation Barbarossa in 1941. Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jewish Axis of Evil: Clarion Fund and GOP

In this article, Richard Silverstein argues:
Clarion Fund is practically a bought and paid for arm of the Jewish wing of the Republican Party. Aish HaTorah, in turn, as Jeffrey Goldberg has noted, is practically an arm of the rightist settler movement. All this leads one to believe that a group of far-right Israeli-American Orthodox Jews have teemed up with Republicans in order to kill two birds with one stone. They can exploit fears of Muslims and Islam to drum up American Jewish support for a pro-settler/pro-Israel political agenda AND flay the Democrats, who allegedly are soft on terror, specifically Muslim terror.
Other available information suggests a more sinister hypothesis:
  • Aish has received considerable support from all Israeli governments since the 70s.
  • Wall Street executives have paid Aish private tutoring fees that are in the corporate espionage range.
  • Aish's national and international organization has the appearance of an intelligence gathering and exchange network particularly in the finance industry. (The system is rather like that of Chabad-Lubavitch only more targeted, and the personnel do not stand out quite as much as Chabad shiluchim.)
The religious outreach of Aish looks like cover for more nefarious and possibly illegal activities.

Calling Aish haTorah an arm of the right-wing settler movement does not really seem to capture the relationship, and suggests that the settler movement is more distinct from the Israeli government than it really is.

Aish and its Clarion Fund alter ego comprise part of the external apparatus of one political faction within the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland, which I often call Judonia. This faction inclines more to an occult mystical ideology but works well with Jabotinskian Neocon Zionists.

Obsession-Related Blog Entries

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'This is one of the world's oldest religions, and it is going to die.'

Anmar Awda, who is training to become a Mandaean priest, reads the Ginza Rba, a Mandaean holy book, beside the Tigris River in Baghdad. The Mandaeans worship the same God as the world's three major monotheistic faiths, and are mentioned in the Quran, but they reject the teachings of Jesus and Muhammad, and have been subject to harassment in Iraq. (Tribune photo by Liz Sly / October 26, 2008)
Liz Sly ( describes the flight of Mandeans (John Christians) from Iraq in a Nov. 16 article entitled 'This is one of the world's oldest religions, and it is going to die.' The article's language is apocalyptic and uses words like extinction. Without any source Sly writes:
Though they worship the same God as Muslims, Christians and Jews and are mentioned in the Quran, they reject the teachings of Jesus and Muhammad, and they have been singled out by extremist Islamic clerics for fatwas, or religious edicts, saying it is permissible to kill them as infidels.
Such claims look like
  • an attempt by apologists for American foreign policy to exculpate the USA for the consequences of the Zionist Neocon policy that George Bush has followed during his presidency or
  • an opportunistic effort by Jewish or Zionist Islamophobes to incite Americans against Islam.
The USA created a situation where Iraqis needed association with some sort of militia to survive.
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
A member of the Sabi-Mandaean sect in Baghdad, Iraq, undergoes baptism ceremonies in the Tigris River on October 26, 2008.
The Mandaeans had neither resources to create their own militia nor any means to persuade the militia of another religious or ethnic group to protect them and as a result were forced to emigrate.

There is some evidence that most Mandaeans have fled to Iran for safety.

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Gaza Concentration Camp

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

KABOBfest: Talal Asad: Thinking about Religion Belief and Politics

The blog entry Jacob Lassner and Nadia Abu el Haj contained the following brief reference to Talal Asad:

Lassner starts his attempt to demolish Abu el-Haj with the following false claim.

Abu el-Haj, an anthropologist at Barnard College of Columbia University, explores in this interesting study how archeology has shaped the social and political imagination of Israel and served the aims of the state. The blurb on the back cover of the book by Talal Asad, another anthropologist, succinctly captures Abu el-Haj's project: "She presents the first critical account of Israeli archeological practice while tracing the dynamic relationships among science, colonization, nation-state building, and territorial expansion."

Facts on the Ground begins with the pre-state period before there was a State of Israel with aims. Talal Asad makes no such overreaching assertion on the back cover. He actually states the following.

A fascinating and important study. Factually detailed and theoretically informed by the latest thinking in the anthropology and sociology of science, Nadia Abu El-Haj has provided us with an understanding of precisely how archeology has contributed so crucially to the formation of nationalist sensibilities in a settler-colonial society.

The quotation to which Lassner refers is the publisher's description and was probably written by someone in marketing communications, who at most skimmed a few chapters of the book, but it does serve the purpose of motivating Jewish Columbia and Barnard alumni to write nasty letters to the administration by ascribing such a statement to someone with an Arabic sounding name.
The blog entry KABOBfest: Talal Asad: Thinking about Religion Belief and Politics links to a recent public lecture by Talal Asad at UC Berkeley. He discusses a perhaps more controversial topic when he addresses the Western discourse on authenticity and inauthenticity in religious belief as well as the politics of defining religion.

Here is Talal Asad's address:

Tala Asad is the son of Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss), who is the author of my favorite English language interpretation of the Quran, which is entitled The Message of the Qur'an Translated and Explained by Muhammad Asad. Sphere: Related Content

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Musings - The World We Live In: A Glimpse of the Northern Areas of Pakistan...

Northern Pakistan often appears in news reports. Click here to see some of the beauty that can be found in Pakistan. Sphere: Related Content

Wikipedia, Hummus, Falafil, WWI, Dolchstoßlegende

I was so intrigued with the discomfort that the Jewish Internet Defense Force showed when the Israelization of Palestinian food is identified as cultural theft on Wikipedia that I decided to follow up by modifying the Wikipedia Stab-in-the-Back Legend entry with some current thinking about the role the Zionist movement played in international politics at the beginning of the 20th century.
Here is my addition to the entry:

Was There a German Zionist Stab in the Back? [edit]

Even though Zionists do not normally figure in the Dolchstoßlegenden of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, John Cornelius proposes in "The Balfour Declaration and the Zimmermann Note"[1] that German Zionists with connections in the German foreign ministry may have passed to British Zionists a copy of the Zimmerman Note proposing a German alliance with Mexico. The publication of the Note was a major factor in bringing the USA into World War I.

The event time line is suggestive, and there is a debate whether the British could have decoded the Zimmerman Note on their own. According to this hypothesis, British Zionists traded a complete clear text version of the Zimmerman Note for the Balfour Declaration. Because the revelation of the Zimmerman Note was a major reason for the USA to declare war on Germany and its allies, any involvement of German Zionists in making the Note available to the British government would have constituted a genuine stab in the back for the German war effort.

Thus, because of access to previously inaccessible government archives (as well as to the wreck of the Lusitania), scholars now realize that
Because scholars have made great strides since the 1990s in sorting war fact from war propaganda and in presenting modern Jewish history within a normal contextualized and non-exceptionalist framework, understanding of political and economic developments of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has changed immensely during the last two decades, and the revised historical version provides a reasonable lens through which Americans should evaluate the behavior of Jewish Zionists, who are already far too (maybe dangerously) overrepresented in the Obama administration.

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Holy Land Foundation (Re)trial: A LITTLE WONDERMENT IS A DANGEROUS THING in the Holy Land Foundation (re)Trial

Harold Knight discusses the Israelization of the US legal system in A LITTLE WONDERMENT IS A DANGEROUS THING in the Holy Land Foundation (re)Trial. He makes important points, but there is a deeper issue in the mixing of the Israeli and American legal systems.

Israeli law is the foundation that renders the State of Israel a Judenstaat, a State that privileges Jews over non-Jews.

Not only does the Zionist state fail to qualify as a Rechtstaat, a state based in the rule of law, but it is by any objective standard a terror state founded in murderous genocidal violence and ethnic cleansing.

The verdict in this trial represents the culmination of the alliance of right-wing republicanism personified by the (George H. W.) Bush-appointed judge Jorge Solis with racist Jewish Zionism personified by prosecutor Elizabeth Shapiro.

The prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation is part of the discriminatory trajectory of the development of the US legal system, which now enforces US law differently for Jews and non-Jews as the case of Benjamin Emanuel shows.

As the US legal system comes to conform more and more to Israel legal norms that routinely permit plunder of of Arabs and other non-Jews, the current $300 billion dollar request for financial aid from Gulf States begins to look a lot like extortion.

Because nothing is more fungible than cash, by providing this money to the USA, Gulf Arab States
  1. will become the source of US aid to the State of Israel, which treats the native Palestinian population like vermin, and
  2. in effect will make it possible for the IDF to buy more and better weapons to slaughter Arabs more efficiently.

[Where are Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch?] Sphere: Related Content

Monday, November 24, 2008

Liberal White Boy Asks a Question

If The Israeli Defense Forces Cannibalized Their Palestinian Murder Victims...Would American Media Consider It News Worthy? Sphere: Related Content

Are There Non-Sectarian Parties in Syria: The case of the SSNP?

Joshua Landis provides an interesting backgrounder and discussion on the SSNP (Syrian Social Nationalist Party) in Are There Non-Sectarian Parties in Syria: The case of the SSNP? Sphere: Related Content

Facts Cause Zionist Food Allergies

Because the Wikipedia article on hummus reports that hummus and falafil are Arabic foods that have been Israelized in a cultural theft, Zionists of the Jewish Internet Defense Force claim in the blog entry On Wikipedia, There's Politics Even in the Hummus!:

It seems to us that Wikipedia is run and edited by a majority of extreme leftists, anti-Zionitsts, Arab propagandists, and antisemites.
Isn't it obvious that hummus and falafil are Arabic? The names of the foods are Arabic words corresponding to Hebrew himtzah (chick pea) and pilpel (pepper).

Initial f does not even occur in Hebrew words.

Zionist nuttiness on the food issue* is just more proof that a Zionist belief system rots the brain.

Zionism has stolen practically anything it could from Palestinians in its overweening rapaciousness including land, movable property, reputation via demonization, heritage, and cuisine.

My screenplay Two Weeks in September is based on a true story, in which an Israeli pornographer tried to steal from a Palestinian refugee couple practically the only thing they had left: the dignity of their own bodies.

Zionists are just becoming upset that their project to control discourse on Wikipedia and elsewhere is beginning to fail.

Nowadays they cannot avoid reading or hearing the facts everywhere, an increasing number of non-Jews are beginning realize that Zionism represents an evil comparable to German Nazism, and -- horror of horrors -- the children of Zionists might realize the truth about Zionism and the Zionist state.


* Traditional Ethnic Ashkenazi food consists of knishes, kneydlakh, farfel, kashe mit varnishkes, gefilte fish, kugel, gołąbki, blintzen, bagels etc.

Lots of ethnic Ashkenazim because of some sort of ridiculous inferiority complex despise the food that their parents, grandparents, or greatgrandparents ate, but if they could overcome their silly self-hatred, of which Zionism is an expression, they would realize that Eastern European Jewish cuisine is quite good.

I am not trying to suggest that hummus and falafil are inferior, for these foods are also delicious but represent only a small portion of the variety associated with traditional Palestinian food, which I consider one of the great cuisines of the world.

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JUSTICE: Israel bars Pope's representative from visiting Gaza for Sunday services

Chet covers the ongoing efforts of the Israeli government to prevent outside observers from reporting the effects of the Israeli siege on Gaza. Sphere: Related Content

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Too Close to Economic Levers

Wow, this article from Greg Mankiw is scary because the closer the hands of Summers and his fellow clowns are to US government levers on the economy the more perilous the world economic situation will become. Sphere: Related Content

Harvard Jews Feigning Progressivism

Here is an item that recently appeared on Phil Weiss's blog. It discusses a get together that will take place tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 24th).

Harvard Progressive Jews Invite Muslims to Talk About Bedouin Politics in Israel

Pete Seeger says that political change happens in the capillaries. That's where all the movement goes on. And I like to say that our kids will lead us. They're smarter than we are. (And that Americans must lead the Middle East, we understand minority rights.) Here's an email a friend sent me that was sent out to the Harvard Islamic Society from the Harvard Progressive Jewish Alliance. The world is changing under our feet...

To: Harvard Islamic Society
Subject: Fattoush and Bedouin Politics 

The Harvard College Progressive Jewish Alliance would like to extend a special invitation to our friends at the Harvard Islamic Society to join us for a Bedouin theme-dinner at Harvard Hillel next Monday, 11/24 from 5-7 pm exploring Bedouin culture and politics. 

Dana Lazarus '09, who worked last summer with
Bustan (an Israeli NGO that works for fair resource allocation and environmental and social justice for all peoples in the Negev) will be there to share her experiences and the Progressive Jewish Alliance will be presenting information about current Bedouin political issues in Israel .

As always, dinner is free to undergrads and we will have a delicious kosher Bedouin-inspired menu specially prepared by the Hillel's Chef Brian.

Maybe they will even talk about Palestinian Arabs generally, and the right of return?

Here is my comment.

I remember these meetings with Bedouins when I was an undergraduate at Harvard (when Phil was too), and at least in some cases the Harvard Islamic Society was invited. (Why wasn't Harvard Society of Arab Students included in this invitation?)

This sort of gathering provides a way for Jewish students to convince themselves they are progressive as the Israeli government spins the standard Zionist divide-and-conquer approach to the native Palestinian Arab population.

Jewish groups really do not have the right to claim to act for social justice unless they take an unequivocal stand for the repatriation of the native Palestinian Arab population and for the return of properties to their rightful owners.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Citygroup: Palling Around with Clowns

Geithner and his Mentor Summers
by Joachim Martillo (

The title of the article Citigroup to cut more than 50000 jobs - Nov. 17, 2008 almost says it all. The article itself goes a little further to ask whether there will be more layoffs.

It should be fairly obvious that Citigroup is verging on collapse and that in August the principle investors changed Rubin's role because they might have begun to realize that he was less than useless.

After the failure of Lehman Brothers, Rubin appeared on CSPAN and defended his completely wrong assessment of the US economy during the previous year by falsely asserting that no economist could have predicted the financial meltdown.* Here is an example Rubin-esque claim that appeared in Fortune Magazine on January 31, 2008:
... the problems now roiling the markets and forcing the Federal Reserve into a defensive posture are "all part of a cycle of periodic excess leading to periodic disruption," and that we are not in fact on the verge of a financial meltdown.
The debacle between Wells Fargo and Citi over Wachovia in retrospect can only be interpreted as an attempt by the US government officials secretly to throw a life line to Citi. I hope that at some point really soon we will learn the roles that Paulson, Bernanke, Geithner, possibly Greenspan, possibly Summers, possibly Rubin and possibly Volcker played in that mess because Geithner is a protege of Summers, who is a protege of Rubin.

Paulson probably exacerbated the crisis by appearing to let Lehman Brothers collapse not upon sound reasoning but on a personal dislike of Lehman's top management.

Greenspan and Bernanke triggered the subprime meltdown by raising interest rates while Greenspan set the stage for the disaster by refusing to regulate the market in CDOs and derivative securities in the 90s.

Not only is Rubin clueless and Summers totally lacking in judgment, but Volcker's history since his appointment to run the Federal Reserve during the Carter administration shows his strong tendency to pick the wrong course under stress.

During the presidential campaign, when Obama sought financial advice, he consulted Volcker, Rubin, and Summers.

If McCain and Palin had had any glimmer of understanding of economics, they would have skipped the Bill Ayers nonsense and accused Obama of palling around with clowns practically guaranteed to give the wrong economic advice and to do much more harm to American.

In a sense, by scare-mongering about terrorist associates when there was a far more serious charge to make, McCain and Palin proved that Obama was minimally more fit to be president than McCain.

Choosing Geithner instead of Summers as Secretary of the Treasury may be the first real evidence that Obama is up to his new job.

[Please note that Summers was not the worst possible choice. Rubin was also under consideration.]

I would have prefered Pimco's el-Arian, who is an Egyptian Arab American. El-Arian truly understands debt, but some would argue in today's coded language about Jews that he might not have given the needed confidence to the market, to wit, to hyperwealthy Zionist Jews.

Fortunately, Geithner is well respected as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He also may be Jewish as Wikipedia claims. Except for his relationship with Summers, I really could not find any dirt on him.

Because Geithner is already part of the current administration's team working on the crisis, he can unofficially represent Obama and pick up the slack from Paulson and Bush, who appear already to have checked out on the job.


*Nouriel Roubini has become famous for predicting the financial crisis in September 2006, but Sameh de Rosa-Farag, who is like el-Erian an Egyptian Arab American and is formerly of the Ore Hill hedge fund, made the same predictions in March 2006 at an IMN finance conference while I became concerned about the direction of the US economy in 2005 because US government spending for the Iraq occupation was reckless and the new revenue streams never materialized from privatization of Iraqi state assets as the Neocons had promised during the marketing of the war. Sphere: Related Content

U.S. Government Subsidizes Settler Pogromists: Your Tax Dollars at Work

Richard Silverstein points out that the US government subsidizes organizations providing material aid to terrorists by granting them 501(c)(3) status in U.S. Government Subsidizes Settler Pogromists: Your Tax Dollars at Work.

If US law were enforced equally for Jews and non-Jews, the assets of organizations providing material aid to Zionist organizations would be seized, and individuals providing such aid would be arrested and tried.

The Real Benjamin Emanuel Issue discusses another example of discriminatory enforcement of US law for Jews and non-Jews.

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qunfuz: At The Empire’s Edge

Robin Yassin-Kassab discusses an earlier age of globalization in At The Empire’s Edge. Sphere: Related Content

Friday, November 21, 2008

Returning to Haifa in Bosnia

When I read the advertisement below, I immediately thought of Ghassan Kanafani's short story "Returning to Haifa." (Susan Abulhawa uses a similar idea of a stolen child in Scar of David.)

Of course, Kanafani's story was a metaphor in which the child representing Palestine was raised by Israeli Zionists to become an Israeli Zionist, who served in the IDF.

In the movie Senada suffers an injustice when she loses her child, but from the description the German couple have not committed a crime. In "Returning to Haifa" and even more so in Scar of David, the Palestinian parents have suffered a crime.

Older Germans like to believe they can support Israel to atone for German Nazism and sympathize with Palestinians to ameliorate or to correct an injustice.

This unsophisticated German approach is unethical because it does not address Zionist criminality, which differs little from and is even worse than that of German Nazism.

True atonement for German Nazism requires categorical commitment to the abolition of the Zionist state as well as to the arrest and trial of Zionist perpetrators of crimes against humanity, for Zionism is ethnic Ashkenazi Nazism.


New Films from Germany

Sunday, November 23, 2008, 1:00 pm
Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard Street, Brookline
German/Bosnian with English suubtitles
tickets: $ 5
info: +1(617) 734-2501

Warchild, the second part of Christian Wagner's planned Balkan Blues Trilogy, describes the dilemma of the people whose lives were ruptured by the Bosnian conflict. Thirty-year-old Senada tries to find peace after the war. In the whirlwind of the conflict, she has been separated from her then two-year-old daughter Aida, who has since been listed as missing. But Senada refuses to give up her search and finds out that she's been given to German foster parents. After a harrowing illegal border crossing to Ulm, a town in Southern Germany, Senada finds her: now 12 and renamed Kristina, being raised by a well-to-do German couple. As she observes her daughter from a cafe near their home, Senada discovers she can't trust anyone.
Germany/Slovenia 2006
35 mm, 103 min
Directed by Christian Wagner

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Etymology of Bagel

Rolls or breads with holes go back to ancient Egypt and are found among modern Egyptians, Syrians (Syro-Palestinians), Finns (reikäleipä -- rye-whole-bread), and Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazim.

[This blog entry contains top, bottom, side, and sectional views of reikäleipä.]

One of the great mailing-list enigmas is the etymology of the name bagel.

The Menachem Mendel blog has posted a short discussion of the history as well as of the Jewish religious or legal issues relating to the bagel. The blog entry contains the following quote.
Polish-born and half-Jewish, Balinska, who works at the BBC in London, tells us that the boiled and baked bagel as we know it comes from her homeland. She tells the story of the Krakow bagel, which was a product of the 1683 Battle of Vienna. Although the story is completely speculative and perhaps even fictitious, it is a piece of gastronomic lore that has endured throughout the ages. As the story goes, 17th-century Poland was the breadbasket of Europe, and King Jan Sobieski was the first king not to confirm the decree of 1496 limiting the production of white bread and obwarzanek (bagellike rolls whose name derives from a word meaning “to parboil”) to the Krakow bakers guild. This meant that Jews could finally bake bread within the confines of the city walls. Furthermore, when Sobieski saved Austria from the Turkish invaders, a baker made a roll in the shape of the king’s stirrup and called it a beugel [sic -- should be Bügel or Buegel in an older orthography] (the Austrian word for stirrup). As Balinska says, “Whatever its origin, the story of the bagel being created in honor of Jan Sobieski and his victory in Vienna has endured.”
[Note that I have previously discussed Sobieski in Reinterpreting History to Serve Islamophobia.]

The connection of Bügel or Buegel to bagel is improbable on linguistic grounds. A link with Pegel is more probable. This word has two different meanings in current High and Low German, but both might have some connection to bagels.

Here are current High German words (in red) possibly connected with the word bagel:
pilot bread
n : very hard unsalted biscuit or bread; a former ship's staple [syn: hardtack, pilot biscuit, sea biscuit, ship biscuit]
Pilot \Pi"lot\, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who throws the lead. See Pail, and Lead a metal.]

The possible Low German origin for bagel is Pegel meaning peg with an associated verb. This meaning of Pegel does not exist in current High German even though in the past its use was attested in the Danzigerdeutsch dialect. The word is a good possible source for the word bagel if bagels were ever sold or stored on a peg or pole as reikäleipä is to this day.

BTW, I dedicate this posting to Heikki Hurri, who taught us Finnish at Pingry and once told me that bagels reminded him of home. Sphere: Related Content

ALERT: Somerville Divestment on Counterpunch!

Check it out!

Website of the Day
Finally, a Victory for Palestinians

It's in the left column.

Click Somerville Divestment Project for the main web page. Sphere: Related Content

Gaza: A Dire life Zone Still Clings to Hope

I feel rather guilty that my blog covers more of the damage that Zionism does to America than the harm it does to Palestinians.

is a report about Gaza. It will help Americans understand why Arabs and Muslims very frequently and very legitimately hate the USA, for Israel would dissolve within four months if total US sanction were imposed on the Zionist state.

I know that some readers will argue that Palestinians should not reply to Israeli provocation by lobbing rockets across the border into pre-1967 Israel (really Stolen Palestine), but having worked with the Israeli military industrial complex in the late 80s and early 90s, I understand the Zionist mentality quite well.

The State of Israel would keep upping the depredation until the situation for Palestinians was even more intolerable, and if the Palestinians did not push back, the Zionist government would simply find some way to increase the level of ongoing plunder and extortion.

Until we Americans respond to the ongoing Zionist parasitization of our nation by forcing regime change upon the Israeli State, which deserves a US attack far more than Iraq ever did, Palestinians probably have no choice but to resist Israeli provocations and suffer Zionist collective punishment. Sooner may be preferable to later. Sphere: Related Content

Samuel Gruber's Jewish Art & Monuments: Selling Jews, Judaism, Jewishness and Anne Frank (again)

Samuel Gruber writes the following in Selling Jews, Judaism, Jewishness and Anne Frank (again)
Its one thing when Gene Wilder plays a rabbi and dons payes in The Frisco Kid – a funny film that actually is both an affirmation of Judaism and a historic corrective – since there were plenty of Jews who helped shape the American West. And the case can be made for Barbara Streisand dressing up as Yentl. But it is quite another thing when an Ukrainian café owner encourages customers to dress up as Hasids to laugh and eat and drink on the very site the Lviv’s destroyed Beth Midrash, in the shadow of the ruined Golden Rose Synagogue, whose worshipers were rounded up an murdered. No matter what one thinks of the strictures of the Hasidim, the place of their death is no place for caricature. There is no one to answer back.

Commercializing Holocaust suffering (or stoicism or heroism) – through ignorance or malice cannot be condoned. Even when done in way that is meant to celebrate the victim (Ann Frank), such exploitation actually belittles her. Maybe the apartment owner figured if Broadway, Hollywood and publishers around the world could make money selling their version of Anne Frank “why not me, too.” After all, the Ann Frank House is a big Amsterdam tourist destination. Why shouldn’t the neighbors cash in? For the real Anne Frank apartment, click here.
Not only is it hard to argue with the apartment owner's logic when one is confronted with The Most Important Hanukkah Gift: The Holocaust Survivor Cookbook!, but this sort of commercial exploitation is hardly as evil of the Zionist use of the Holocaust to justify the theft, murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide of the native population of Palestine by Eastern European invaders and interlopers.

Harvard Professor Noah Feldman was employing the Holocaust and lying (probably unconsciously) in precisely this way at Harvard Law School last night. (See the end of Greg Mankiw's Blog: Larry Summers as Treasury Secretary?)

Please, don't get me wrong about this subject. I consider it important to restore sites important in Jewish history (just as I consider it important to restore Palestinian sites and even more important to repatriot Palestinians that were brutally ethnically cleansed in cold-blooded acts of Zionist rapaciousness), but to write about "the ruined Golden Rose Synagogue, whose worshipers were rounded up an murdered" simply boggles the mind and is a true rape of history.

The members of the Soviet Ashkenazi Yevsektsia (Jewish Section of the Communist Party) wiped out practically every trace of Jewish religious practice long before the Nazi Germany invaded the Ukraine. They waged a relentless war against Yiddish culture (considered bourgeois and internationalist) in order to prove that Ashkenazi Communists constituted the quintessential Soviet Class.

While Soviet Ashkenazi communists mistreated some Soviet Jews -- mostly the religious and Yiddishists, they treated non-Jews even worse, and some Soviet Ashkenazi Communist leaders were among the greatest mass murders of modern history.

Jewish memorialization of Jewish life in E. Europe is unfortunately a whitewashing of Jewish history, and there needs to be some way to keep some perspective on the positive and negative achievements of Eastern European Jews over the last 400 years if only so that we can discuss Middle East issues rationally.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Evaluation finds Pakistani woman unfit in NY trial -

Aafia Siddiqui is of interest to the blog because in some ways she is a local Boston gal and because her real crime seems to be nothing more than upsetting some seriously Islamophobic Newton Jews.

I have covered her in
  1. Fight a Republican October Surprise! and
  2. Karin Friedemann: British MP intervenes for Aafia Siddiqui.
Yesterday the Associated Press provided a new report: Evaluation finds Pakistani woman unfit in NY trial. The About Aafia Blog is a good source of ongoing coverage.

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News Report or Incitement?

But Not Against Muslims
by Joachim Martillo (

The NY Daily News is covering an ongoing story of alleged molestation of a senior by an ultra-orthodox man, who had brought his pregnant wife to the hospital for a routine pregnancy visit. (See below.)

I did a double take because of the similarity to some Islamophobic newspaper coverage that uses statements by possibly confused elderly informants or quotation snippets. It is a pattern that appeared in the movie Obsession and in the controversy over the Roxbury Mosque.

In the molestation case we never learn whether there might be reason (e.g., Alzheimer's or similar disorder) to doubt the veracity of the accuser or whether he might belong to that group of ethnic Ashkenazim that are militantly hostile to the ultra-orthodox. Such animus might also be an issue among the reporters covering the story because most of them have such obviously Jewish names.

In this particular case, the group demonization that characterizes Islamophobic articles is absent, but problems with the reporting of this story underscore journalistic flaws that Islamophobes can make a conscious and concerted effort to exploit.

Accused molestor asked senior his religion before assault

Friday, November 14th 2008, 4:44 AM

A Torah scholar accused of fondling an elderly man lying in a Manhattan hospital bed first asked his frail victim whether he was Jewish before grabbing his genitals, prosecutors said Thursday.

When the 72-year-old senior replied that he was an atheist, Yakov Kramer allegedly lifted the man's gown and molested him Wednesday afternoon at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Columbia, prosecutors said.

The 27-year-old was arraigned Thursday at Manhattan Criminal Court on charges of sexual abuse and burglary as a sexually motivated felony. He posted a $50,000 bond, and is due back in court Tuesday.

After the hearing, Kramer's lawyer Israel Fried told The Daily News that the biblical expert was merely trying to help the old man after hearing his pleas for help.


"There was a person in pain. He saw him. Assisted him. And when his assistance was done. He left," Fried said.

Although Kramer is from Spring Valley in Rockland County, his family, part of the Skver Hasidic sect, still lives in Williamsburg.

Neighbors on quiet Morton Street, home to Kramer's father, Jeremias, were tight-lipped about the family's whereabouts. But the news of the outrageous crime was the talk of the insular community Thursday afternoon.

Religious leaders defended Kramer, calling him a brainiac with a passion for writing about God.

"He is an author of religious books," said Rabbi Leib Glanz, executive vice president of United Jewish Care in Williamsburg. "He is a Torah scholar."

"His wife is expecting a baby. That is why he was in the hospital," said Glanz.

Kramer's lawyer said his client took his pregnant wife to the hospital for a routine check-up Wednesday.

He left his spouse to head to the hospitality room intended for Jewish patients and their guests, and picked up a book.

But the cries of the old man stopped Kramer, his lawyer said.

The senior "lifted his gown to indicate where he was in pain," Fried said in court.

After checking on the man, Kramer returned to his wife, Fried said.

A nurse later caught Kramer in the old man's room, during Kamer's second visit, and alerted authorities.

"Abuse is a real problem," said Assemblyman Dov Hikind, (D-Brooklyn).

Hikind called the Kramer case "depressing."

"It is horrible," he said.

With Oren Yaniv and Wil Cruz

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Islamoblog: 10 Most Successful Muslim Rappers

Who's the Outsider?

This blog entry points out:
There’s plenty examples within the lyrics of rappers themselves, much of the time, the rappers themselves aren’t even Muslim, but clearly show an affinity for Islamic teachings and principles. A few examples of lyrics that relate to Islam, or acknowledge Islamic scripture include:

Aiyo, I'll die for the prophets and I'll die for the Lord
On the battlefield, wounded badly, holding a sword
With no questions asked, I already know, it's all for the cause
Just laying me facing the East, when I'm under the floor
– Ghostface Killah – I’ll Die For You (The Big Doe Rehab)

The voice of racism preaching the gospel is devilish
A fake church called the prophet Muhammad a terrorist
Forgetting God is not a religion, but a spiritual bond
And Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the Qu'ran
– Immortal Technique – The 4th Branch (Revolutionary Vol. 2)

Passin judgment, you niggaz second-guessin Beans
Cause you don't eat swine don't make you Amin
Dog you know a couple suras, out the Qur'an
I guess you all on your din and I ain't on mine
– Beanie Sigel - This Can't Be Life (The Dynasty: Roc La Familia)

So, clearly there is openness about Islam in rap music, whether picked up by the general masses or not, there are plenty of popular rappers of past and present who are openly practicing Muslims. [To read the complete article, click here.]
In his review of Steven Lee Beeber's The Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's: A Secret History of Jewish Punk, Renée Graham connects punk with hip-hop (rap):
While such composers as George Gershwin and Irving Berlin fashioned music that embraced assimilation -- after all, Berlin, a Russian Jew, wrote "White Christmas" and "God Bless America" -- Jewish punks reveled in their outsider status, and crammed it in society's smug face. (It's worth noting that as punk was ricocheting off downtown tenements, this nation's other perpetual outsiders, African-Americans, were a few uptown subway lines away in the Bronx creating their own sound -- hip-hop -- also born from alienation and disenfranchisement.)
Where rap is honest and open, Jewish punk is apparently self-delusional.

Beeber makes the obligatory obeisance to the Holocaust as he apparently ignores the whole history of Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi musical experimentation during the late 19th and early 20th century:
Central to Beeber's idea of punk's inherent Jewishness is the Holocaust. He even goes so far as to declare "No Holocaust, no punk." Yes, the roiling anger and dark humor of punk was a reaction to lingering feelings of victimization.
When punk begins to delve into the sort of Nazi ideas that have become so powerful among Jews because of the effects of Zionism, Beeber forces an interpretation to cover up the power of the Jewish elite and the gusto with which Israeli Zionists and their supporters demonize, brutalize or kill Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians:
Yet, Jewish punks also adapted Nazi slogans and symbols both as a shock tactic and a campy send up. Songs like the Ramones' "Blitzkrieg Bop " and the Dictators' "Master Race Rock " weren't celebrating Nazism as much as mocking its ignominious defeat, the author maintains.
In Jewish History: Facts versus Delusions, I quoted a fellow Harvard Jewish Studies student (who probably should have been a rapper):
"Many the lie that Jews live by."
His quip seems more true today than it did 30 years ago.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

The Borders of Destiny

From A Psychohistory of Zionism by Jay Y. Gonen, Mason/Charter, New York 1975, p. 193-4.

Not all Israelis are aware of the connection between Arab fear of Zionist expansion and the traditional Jewish vagueness concerning territorial claims. The lack of definition of what the borders of the new Israeli state are, or should be, is not something new. When I was a schoolboy in Haifa at the age of ten, before the State of Israel was established, I was taught geography. The textbook as well as my teacher were drawing the distinction between present borders and borders of destiny (gvulot ye'ud). The gvulot ye'ud included Transjordan and reached Mesopotamia. The textbook, the teacher, and the students were all glossing it over somewhat mechanically. It was the kind of distinction students memorize because it may come up in an examination, not something which one puts his heart into and tries to figure out. Thus, I cannot recall anyone's touching upon the delicate issues involved in this distinction. Destiny borders by virtue of what destiny, religious or national? What about the Arabs? What means, peaceful or not, will be used to achieve borders of destiny? Such questions were never discussed. Indeed, the way this geography was taught inculcated in the pupils, including myself, an insensitive, defensive attitude toward the Arab question which had characterized the Zionist movement from the start. This teaching also served as an inconspicuous staking of a claim. Its mentality went something like this: The practicalities of reaching the borders of destiny will be handled more concretely when the time is ripe. For the time being, let us not forget the borders of destiny, but let us not talk too much about it either. Sphere: Related Content

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Larry Summers as Treasury Secretary?

The blog entry Greg Mankiw's Blog: Larry Summers as Treasury Secretary? contains references both to Michael Kinsley's argument in favor of selecting Larry Summers to be Secretary of Treasury and also to Stanley Fish's oppositional column.

Kinsley's comments on Summers' infamous pollution memo are so silly that they barely merit refutation and are generally completely off target. Among other questionable assertions, Kinsley claims:
The general point is that clean air and other environmental goods are luxuries. The richer a country is, the more of them it can afford. And if rich countries like the United States had had to meet some of the standards being wished upon poor countries today, we would still be poor ourselves.
In point of fact, protectionism, disregard of international intellectual property rights, and encouraging the immigration of skilled scientists, engineers, and technologists were far more important in modernizing, industrializing, or expanding the economies of Russia, Prussia and the USA in the nineteenth century than obliviousness to pollution. Not only does Summer's pollution proposal show a complete inability to think "outside of the box," but it also shows a total lack of historical and technological comprehension or perspective.

On the other hand, as one of the main sources of external tension during Summers' tenure as Harvard University, I certainly agree with Stanley Fish that Summers did not have a clue how to run Harvard University and note that Summers' tolerance of the Shleifers' questionable financial practices sends the wrong message.

Yet, I will grant that serving as Secretary of the Treasure is a role quite different from the presidency of Harvard and that failing miserably at Harvard hardly implies that he would mess up if he returned to his old job.

Summers is an inappropriate choice for the Obama administration because he is an extremist Zionist close to the fanatic Islamophobic and Arabophic racist Charles Jacobs of the David Project.

There are probably at least $3-6 trillion available in Arab and Muslim sovereign wealth funds for potential investment in the USA, but Summers wants to create a special category of Arab or Muslim ownership, which would confer fewer rights than an investment from the Swedish sovereign wealth fund would have.

Could a Secretary of Treasury looking for investment to unfreeze credit possibly entertain stupider ideas?

To put it bluntly, Summers is probably the dumbest smart person on the Harvard faculty* and would be an utterly wrong choice for Secretary of the Treasury in a situation where the USA has to work closely with the rest of the world to undo a financial nightmare that the US created.

Former Harvard Fund Manager Mohamed el-Erian,

  • who has returned to PIMCO,
  • who knows how to manage, and
  • who has a much greater understanding of debt than Summers,
would be the right choice for the sort of globalized economy in which the USA must function.


Noah Feldman, who wandered around Baghdad for a month with an Iraqi Arabic phrasebook in the early days of the Iraq occupation, is the second dumbest smart person on the Harvard faculty. Here are two blogentries that pertain to him:
  1. Feldman and the anguish of the disinherited
  2. Gary Rosenblatt: Noah Feldman and the Confrontation of American with Jewish or Zionist Values (Rosenblatt's article seems to have been expunged from Jewishweek archives)
Feldman is debating Duncan Kenned on Wednesday.

A debate and discussion with Professor Duncan Kennedy and Professor Noah Feldman
According to Wikipedia:
In 1977, together with Karl Klare, Mark Kelman, Roberto Unger, and a number of other like-minded scholars, Kennedy established the Critical Legal Studies movement. Although outside legal academia he is mostly known today for his monograph Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy*[1], famous for its trenchant critique of American legal education, among legal scholars Kennedy is considered one of the most original and influential modern writers on legal theory.
Lama Abu Odeh was a student of Duncan Kennedy when she studied at HLS.

She skewers Feldman in The Yale Law Journal - A Radical Rejection of Universal Jurisdiction.

Fortunately, I have not heard that Feldman is not going to DC, where he would add next to nothing with regard to addressing critical legal or economic problems.

Nowadays Abu Odeh teaches at the Georgetown Law School. Both Kennedy and Abu Odeh are at least an order of magnitude superior in legal scholarship to Martha Minow. Either or better both Kennedy and Abu Odeh would do very well and benefit the nation in leadership positions at the DOJ.

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Islam in Europe: Germany: Professor featured on WSJ

I read through the German text of Professor Muhammad Sven Kalisch's hypothesis. He is arguing that the Muhammad of Islam is not the Muhammad of history just as the Jesus of Christianity is not the Jesus of history and just as the Moses of Judaism is not the Moses of history. He goes a step further to propose that there probably was no historical Muhammad just as many Bible scholars argue that there was no historical Moses.

He hypothesizes that Islam developed out of some form of gnostic Christianity or gnostic Judaism, and he investigates the geneology of the family of Ali. Most of his analysis works backward from current Islam to Ur-Islam.

I prefer to think about this issue by starting with second Temple Judaism and looking for a religious current that could develop into Islam. I have no need to use gnostic religion as a sort of deus ex machina to proclaim "Let there be Islam."

Unlike Professor Kalisch, whose failure to mention the Apostle Paul verges on gross scriptural negligence, I start with Jamesian Christianity, can explain why early texts do not use the title rasul, and link the development of Islam both
Yet, there is some logic for Professor Kalisch's position, for my framework is neither as sexy as a denial of the historical existence of Muhammad nor would it sell as many books.

Readers of the WSJ article should keep in mind that the WSJ is now a Murdoch publication, which belongs to the extremist Zionist racist and Islamophobic discourse that is so powerful in the USA. Sphere: Related Content

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gilad Atzmon - Sabra, Shatila and Collective Amnesia | Palestine Think Tank

Gilad Atzmon makes some critical points about Zionist memory and Israel self-criticism.

He has been thinking about questions of memory for a long time. In his novel Guide to the Perplexed he introduced amnesia brigades as an important part of the Zionist collective self-defense forces.

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Robert Lindsay: The Mystification of Anti-Semitism

Robert Lindsay proposes that anti-Semitism should be discussed within a rational analytic framework. Sphere: Related Content

Robert Lindsay: The Zwi Migdal - Jewish Pimps of Argentina

In this blog entry Robert Lindsay writes about the Zwi Migdal and Jewish involvement in prostitution. He references a Ynet article that gets some of the details wrong, but it is worth reading and mentions one of several Jew-on-Jew pogroms that took place in territories of the Czarist Empire.

My blog entry Roots of Zionist Jewish Aggression discusses the connection of Jewish kinderkhappers to the white slavery and prostitution that Lindsay describes.

The Heidi Fleiss story suggests that the Jewish prostitution business is alive and well even if the Jewish segment of the business generally no longer works on the street.

Claiming that Black ghetto culture glorifies the pimp and the prostitute is probably more a reflection of Hollywood's treatment of African Americans than of reality.

The rather prosaic movie Holy Land (2001) provides a somewhat idealized view of the white slave trade in modern Israel as well as some typical Zionist Jewish anti-Arab prejudice.

In contrast, a movie based on the Zwi Migdal story would have the potential to achieve the status of an epic like Chinatown. Sphere: Related Content

Menahem-Mendl on Wall Street

Sholom Aleichem on Financial Meltdown
by Joachim Martillo (
In Did Financial Deregulation Serve the Neocons' Hidden Agenda? Philip Weiss asks some interesting questions about the connection between the Neocon ascendance in Washington, DC, and the speculative culture that brought so many Neocon-supporters hundreds of millions or billions of dollars of wealth.

Not only have a large group of economic oligarchs helped the Neocons tremendously in a political system where wealth has probably the largest voice, but the oligarchs and their Neocon intelligentsia have in process of formulating the ideological framework to mobilize the new rightwing Zionist wealth developed congruent speculative mentalities that thrived in and cultivated financial or political bubbles.
Such speculative bubbles are not new in Jewish history. In a discussion of Spanish Jews in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries, Simon Schama writes in The Embarrassment of Riches, An Interpretation of Dutch culture in the Golden Age, on pp.590.
Conversely Jews were thought to be disproportionately represented in high risk areas of the economy, in illicit speculation in commodity futures, or the infamous "trading in the wind" on doubtfully generated stock issues. The opprobrium ensuing from the collapse of these ventures, while not at all a recurrence of the medieval usury syndrome, could still rebound on the Jews and reinforce their reputation for dubious behavior. Jewish sterotypes [sic], for example, feature all too prominently in one of Bernard Picart's most widely disseminated satirical prints on the windhandel of 1720.
The above says less about modern American Jewish Wall Street culture than one might think because Schama is discussing Ibero-Berber (i.e. Spanish) Jews in the Netherlands while Wall Street is dominated by Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi (i.e. Polish) Jews. In terms of culture the two groups are about as similar as Spanish and Polish Catholics, but they do share a common political economic heritage of Medieval Judaism, whose main commercial activities tended toward trade both in high margin goods, luxury items and slaves and also in the financing and banking activities that sustained such trade. (See Les origines des juifs actuels and The Origins of Modern Jewry.)
Among bankers and finance professionals, temptation of quick-rich schemes is always strong, and a small fraction of bankers will always give in to it. Because Dutch Spanish Jews were disproportionately represented in Dutch finance, Dutch Spanish Jewish involvement in questionable finance activities also seemed disproportionate, but in that situation dubious speculation was a tendency. In modern Wall Street over the last 30-40 years a culture of questionable speculation has developed, and the roots of this culture is fairly easily traceable to the historical financial behavior of Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazim, who represented the vast majority of the Eastern European entrepreneurial class during the 19th century.
As the ethnic Ashkenazi population grew while the traditional Jewish management, hospitality and mercantile sectors of the economy diminished, many ethnic Ashkenazim resisted falling into the worker or proletarian classes by attempting to move into finance. The author Sholem (Shalom, Sholom) Aleichem describes the culture of the Yiddish luftmenschen in finance in a series of fictional letters that were written between 1892 and 1909 and that constitute The Adventures of Menahem-Mendl. Menahem-Mendl successively tries his hand at currency trading, stock speculation, commodities, writing, and finally arranging marriages.
The excerpt below sounds very modern with the qualification that Menahem-Mendl is for the most part a nebbich and a shlimazl, who keeps getting taken and losing all his money. The profiteers, who exploit him, are all there but concealed in Menahem-Mendel's misuse of finance jargon, which does not always come across in the translation from Yiddish to English.
Note that emigration to Palestine is primarily a way of escaping creditors if flight to America is not possible. Sholom Aleichem was in fact an extremist Zionist, who emigrated to the USA, but he was fairly honest in his depiction of Yiddish culture. In this collection he does not even mention the pogroms that loom so large in the consciousness of modern American Jews.
Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi immigrants to the USA brought the speculative financial culture with them, and it has been evolving ever since -- historically much to the distress of the German American Jews ("Our Crowd"), who dominated Jewish finance on Wall Street until the 1970s.
Yehupetz is Kiev. In Fiddler on the Roof Karilevka became Anatevka.
The Adventures of Menahem-Mendl
by Sholom Aleichem
(pp. 89-91)

Menahem-Mendle from Yehupetz to his wife, Sheineh-Sheindl, in Kasrilevka

To my dear, wise, and modest helpmeet, Sheineh-Sheindl, long may she live!


Firstly, I am come to inform you that I am, by the grace of God, well and in good cheer. May the Lord, blessed be His name, grant that we always hear from one another none but the best, the most comforting, and the happiest of tidings -- amen.


And Secondly, I want you to know that I am no longer a speculator. I spit on speculation -- may all Jews avoid it like the plague! It wore me out like a fever, it made me old and gray. What we endured here is no joke. It's all over with Yehupetz; the exchange is upside down; there's darkness everywhere -- it's like after a war -- even worse, perish the thought, than it was in Odessa! Every­body is done for and panic-stricken. People have taken to bankruptcy, and me in the middle. Every day, another de­faulter. Bankruptcy has become very much in fashion. And what's more, the important bankers, the big shots, have started to make themselves scarce. In the van was the banker through whom we all used to handle with Petersburg and Warsaw. One bright morning I came to his office where I was stuck with some Maltzevs and several Putilov shares for which he was to get a small "difference" from me. I started asking around where he might be, our fine lord. So they tell me he departed, God rest his soul­ -- he's already in America! In short, there started a hue and cry, there was a rush to the iron safe, but nothing was found in it except a bottle of ink and an old worn-out coin -- with a hole in it, besides…. Another banker left a collection of Jewish calendars in his safe beginning with the year 1873 up to the present day, and he himself made off to Palestine. A third one -- and a very big banker indeed -- did not default but was simply plucked to the tune of several millions in a single week and was left with nothing but his good name. Only Brodsky somehow managed to scramble out of the mess by a miracle.


So I thought it over and came to the conclusion that if it isn't in the books, no amount of brains will do any good. At any rate, it's lucky I took a look around on time and managed to throw myself into a new job -- and a most respectable job, too. That is to say, I have now become a broker-simply a broker, in fact, a broker right here in Yehupetz on the stock exchange. There are as many brokers in Yehupetz, knock on wood, as stars in the sky -- so why should I be any worse than they? Haven't I also got hands and feet and a nose and eyes, just like any other Jew? Char­acters as wellborn as I are aplenty here -- and yet none con­siders himself too good to take his cane in hand and start on brokerage. Is it such a difficult science, come to think of it? As long as you know how to tell a lie and, on top of it, possess a good stock of impudence, anybody can become a broker. Quite to the contrary, the more lies and the greater impudence, the better the broker! Believe me, in Ye­hupetz there are some brokers who in your Kasrilevka would be good only as servants or coachmen -- they hardly know how to sign their names, and yet you can see for yourself -- as your mother says, "If it were the will of God, you'd shoot fire from a rod…." All you have to do is' put on a white shirt and a nice hat and start creeping, snooping, sniffing, eavesdropping -- a jump here, a bounce there, and: "My commission, if you please!" Commission in brokers' language is hush money. And oh, how sweet is commission money! You earn it without a headache, without a pain in your stomach. Why, only yesterday, I picked up a fifty in commission, and may you and I know a pain and an ache, if I know what I got it for! I made several tons of sugar with ease -- easier than smoking a cigarette. That is to say, the sugar was made by other people -- I simply found myself in the middle of the deal. In short, with God's help, I made a fifty! And, please God, in about a year's time, I'll get back on my feet again and become what I used to be, because with us in Yehupetz, money plays first fiddle. A human be­ing is not worth a straw -- his origins, his ancestry, have no value at all. You may be anything and nothing -- so long as you have money! And since I'm very busy and pressed for time, I must cut this short. Please God, in my next letter, I'll write you everything in detail. For the time being, may the Lord grant health and success. Greet the children, God bless them, and give my kindest greetings to your father and mother, to old and young, to big and small.

From me, your husband, Menahem-Mendl.

Just remembered! Please write me what's new at home. Has it been raining? How are the beets getting on, and are there many beetles? Let me know as soon as possible because this is very important for me!


As above.

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