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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

[CrunchGear] A storm is brewing at Best Buy

You know that Islamophobia has reached unprecedented levels in the USA when a major retailer cannot express holiday greetings to its Muslim patrons without receiving mindless criticism.

Wishing Eid al-Adha is hardly special treatment for Muslims or Muslim holidays. Not only does Best Buy already use "Merry Christmas" (in many languages) as well as "Happy Hanukkah" in advertising campaigns,

but Eid al-adha is a rather religiously neutral phrase in the Thanksgiving season. For a Muslim adha (Arabic for sacrifice) refers to Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice of his son while for a non-Muslim American the adha is the turkey, which Benjamin Franklin recommended as the US national bird.

No one should be surprised that in Jewish Zionist dominated American Obama has focused on anti-Semitism by appointing Hannah Rosenthal as the State Department’s new special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism despite the much more critical problem of American Islamophobia,
  • which has international repercussions and
  • which is generally incited by the Jewish Zionist intelligentsia funded by the Jewish Zionist plutocracy,
Because Rosenthal was executive director of the JCPA from 2000-2005, she was intimately involved in the SaveDafur campaign, which was carefully constructed to incite hatred against Arabs and Muslims under the cover of concern for human rights.

According to the JTA,
Rosenthal's predecessor ... Gregg ... Rickman said he hopes she will pay particular attention to venues such as the U.N. Human Rights Council, which he said is dedicated to solely going after Israel, and Arab countries, where bias against Jews is often cloaked in clever language.
Khaled Amayreh explains the UN's real problem with Israel in his article appropriately entitled Zionists: We hate you because you are evil, not because you are Jewish.

A storm is brewing at Best Buy
by John Biggs on November 23, 2009


Here it comes: Best Buy ran a national Black Friday ad inviting the world to celebrate Thanksgiving and Eid Al-Adha, the Muslim festival of sacrifice. Fair enough, right? Happy Eid! Well, take a gander at the ad up there and brace yourself.

Look closely. You’ll probably miss the good will and wishes, they’re so innocuous.

So you’d think that a national retailer would be praised for trying to reach out to its Muslim visitors and you’d also think that since Black Friday comes around Thanksgiving, an ostensibly “conservative” holiday,” they’d be excused for not putting baby Jesus in the carriage Toad drives in Mario Kart Wii on the first page of its Black Friday ad.


[Click here to read the entire article.]

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