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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Most Likely False Flag Operation

One can argue LIHOP or MIHOP with respect to 9/11 forever, but the anthrax scare looks like the real false flag operation because it was so simple and so focused with a high return in terms of public and official fear.

Glen Greenwald does not mention it in his article below, but we should remember
  • that Jewish Zionist Neocon subversives took control of the Pentagon from the start of the Bush administration,
  • that these subversives thus had use not only of Israeli but also of Pentagon military or intelligence resources,
  • that they had long mobilized hyper-wealthy Jewish Zionist plutocrats with direct or indirect control of numerous private and University laboratories, and
  • that they could engage in high-volume scare-mongering through numerous Jewish Zionist dominated media outlets.
[Note that the blog has addressed a previous Greenwald article on this subject in vital unresolved anthrax questions and abc news.]

(updated below)

Britain is currently engulfed by a probing, controversial investigation into how their Government came to support the invasion of Iraq, replete with evidence that much of what was said at the time by both British and American officials was knowingly false, particularly regarding the unequivocal intention of the Bush administration to attack Iraq for months when they were pretending otherwise. Yesterday, the British Ambassador to the U.S. in 2002 and 2003, Sir Christopher Meyer (who favored the war), testified before the investigative tribunal and said this:

Meyer said attitudes towards Iraq were influenced to an extent not appreciated by him at the time by the anthrax scare in the US soon after 9/11. US senators and others were sent anthrax spores in the post, a crime that led to the death of five people, prompting policymakers to claim links to Saddam Hussein. . . .

On 9/11 Condoleezza Rice, then the US national security adviser, told Meyer she was in "no doubt: it was an al-Qaida operation" . . . It seemed that Paul Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld's deputy, argued for retaliation to include Iraq, Meyer said. . . .

But the anthrax scare had "steamed up" policy makers in Bush's administration and helped swing attitudes against Saddam, who the administration believed had been the last person to use anthrax.

I've written many times before about how the anthrax attack played at least as large of a role as the 9/11 attack itself, if not larger, in creating the general climate of fear that prevailed for years in the U.S. and specifically how the anthrax episode was exploited by leading media and political figures to gin up intense hostility towards Iraq (a few others have argued the same). That's why it's so striking how we've collectively flushed this terrorist attack down the memory hole as though it doesn't exist.

[Click here to read entire article.]

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