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Saturday, November 28, 2009

[Dunedin School] Ten Reasons for Dating Deuteronomy to the Late Persian or Hellenistic Periods

According to the article below Biblical scholar Juha Pakkala has proposed an important hypothesis that helps elucidate the development of Judaic identity in the Persian and early Hellenistic period. My blog entries relevant to the topic are:

Ten Reasons for Dating Deuteronomy to the Late Persian or Hellenistic Periods

2009 November 27

Juha Pakkala has a fine article in the latest ZAW outlining his ten reasons why Urdeuteronomium – the earliest edition of the book of Deuteronomy – dates later than Josiah and the Judean Kingdom, that is after 586 BCE. In fact, his reasons point to a period no earlier than the 300s BCE.

It’s a splendid thing having exactly ten reasons: everyone likes such a fine round number. Do have a read of the article, if you are interested in his more detailed reasoning.

[Click here to read Deane Galbraith's entire article.]

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