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Thursday, November 12, 2009

[Gilad Atzmon] From the River to the Sea

I am not as sure as Gilad that Netanyahu is committed to two states peacefully coexisting side by side. Netanyahu is probably prolonging the process of negotiating as long as possible in the hope that an opportunity for mass murder or expulsion of Palestinians will present itself.

Yet I am as impressed as Gilad at Netanyahu's admission of the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes and land.

From the River to the Sea by Gilad Atzmon

Let’s once and for all stop getting excited about America mounting pressure on Israel to freeze West Bank settlements. The entire fascination with the topic is a product of Zionist spin. It is there to divert attention from the root cause of the conflict: The robbery of Palestine and Palestinians in the name of a ‘Jewish home coming’. The call to stop Israeli construction in the West Bank is there to leave us with the false impression that the robbery of Palestine started in 1967. The facts are known to many of us, but not to all. The vast majority of Palestinians were expelled from their towns, villages, fields and orchards in 1948.

What seems as an American peace initiative putting pressure on Israel to halt its expansion into the West Bank is in fact an agenda that is promoted by Zionists within the US Administration who realise like the late Sharon, that the only chance for the Jewish state to survive the next decade, is to shrink into a little Jewish shtetle (ghetto). The Two state solution is indeed the last effort to keep Zionism alive.

[Click here to read more.]

Because I am pedantic I have to note that there is a big difference between a ghetto and shtetl.

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