- used to prove legality of Zionist settlements in Palestine and
- described in NGO to Clinton: Settlements are legal
[Worth reading: A Survey of Palestine, Vol 1: Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry
As I remember, the South African government put very similar arguments before the International Court of Justice in 1971 to prove the legality of continued South African rule over South-West Africa (Namibia). Guess how much sympathy the South African case received.
Then just when I thought I had reached the limit for my quota of psychotic racist Zionist stupidity for the day, I read Why Aliyah Is Important For You?
The article is yet another Jewish Zionist paean to ethnic narcissism and tells ethnic Ashkenazim that they have the right to steal Palestine from the native population because it makes them feel good to be able express their Jewishness so completely.
By the same logic it must have been wonderful for whites to move to the Old South where they could own blacks and fully express their racial supremacy.
[Similar stupidity: Letters to an American Jewish Friend: A Zionist's Polemic
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