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Saturday, November 07, 2009

[Followup] Gaza, Goldstone, Jewish Ethical Cluelessness

Please send critical letters to the Boston Globe and to Daniel Terris, who is the director of the Brandeis International Center for Ethics, Justice & Public Life.

In Re: At Brandeis, Israel's guilt and innocence on display

Dear Editor:

The Goldstone Report fails to mention Nuremberg Tribunal Law, which clearly criminalizes the territorial Judaization that Zionists have planned since the 19th century and that they have been perpetrating since 1947-8.

The Nuremberg indictment of the German Nationalist Socialist Government charges (International Military Tribunal, vol. 1, p. 63):

"In certain occupied territories purportedly annexed to Germany the defendants methodically and pursuant to plan endeavored to assimilate these territories politically, culturally, socially, and economically into the German Reich. They endeavored to obliterate the former national character of these territories. In pursuance of their plans, the defendants forcibly deported inhabitants who were predominantly non-German and replaced them by thousands of German colonists."

If State of Israel replaces Germany, Zionist State replaces German Reich, and Jewish replaces German, this count applies to Zionist goals from the start of the Zionist movement until the present day.

In other words, the Historical Context section of the Goldstone Report (paragraphs 177-197) should have explicitly stated that Israel is hardly a law-abiding state by any stretch of the imagination.

Like the Report the Brandeis event was also flawed.

Limiting the podium
to two Jewish Zionists without a voice representing Palestinians was unethical, unjust, and a distortion of political discourse to the point of harming American pubic life.

The Brandeis International Center for Ethics, Justice & Public Life acted shamefully to co-sponsor such an event, and Richard Goldstone would have refused to participate if he had any sense of decency.

Sincerely yours,
Joachim Martillo
Boston, MA 02126

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