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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Anti-Parallel Lives: Baltzer and el-Zabri

Anna Baltzer, author, and Haithem El-Zabri, founder of the Palestine Online Store. Austin, TX, November 2008. [Photographer unknown]
El-Zabri has appeared in this blog in Nakba booklet for free download today.

Baltzer's sign does not do full justice to the system
  • in which a tremendous number of Jewish Zionists besides immigrants to Israel profit from robbing Palestinians and scamming Americans and
  • which is probably at the root of the CDO meltdown:
  1. scamming americans robbing palestinians
  2. followup: scamming americans robbing palestinians
  3. [wvns] not [only] the occupation corrupts: a critique of the Israeli left
  4. time for anti-zionist tea party
  5. one economic crisis or two?
  6. corrupt jewish social networking rules!
  7. jewish zionist dehumanization of non-jews
  8. robert lindsay: the jews under stalin
  9. zionists out of the peace movement: shahak on lying about Judaism
  10. french version: one economic crisis or two?

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