Alain Soral (born 2 October 1958) is a French sociologist, essayist, and film maker, as well as being the author of several polemical essays. He is the brother of the actress Agnès Soral. Soral lives in the French Basque Country. Since June 2004, he has been a boxing coach. Alain Soral considers himself to be in the political "avant garde" of French society, claiming that his remarks and comments are always at first condemned and later widely accepted by the mainstream French public.[1]In [E&R] Questions à Alain Soral, Soral responds to the following question:
Présidence Obama, diabolisation croissante de l'Iran, bruits de bottes à la frontière Colombie/Venezuela, crise économique, comment analysez-vous l'évolution de l'actualité internationale ?
Je l’analyse comme la marche en avant, à coup de violences, de mensonges et de crises provoquées, du Nouvel Ordre Mondial et son projet de gouvernement mondial, sur un mode totalitaire et inégalitaire qui ressemble beaucoup à du sionisme généralisé ! Paradoxalement, les meilleurs analystes de cette progression impériale sont les patriotes américains, notamment Alex Jones et son excellent «Fall of the Republic» dont le site E&R publiera bientôt l’intégralité sous-titrée…
Within my analytic framework, which hypothesizes a Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland that has evolved into a vastly powerful Zionist Imperial System, in which the United States government is an intimidated and dependent client, I deduce a process, for which the Zionist dispossession, oppression, and slow-motion genocide of Palestinians serves as the the model that will be gradually extended to an increasing proportion of the entire human race. Sphere: Related Content