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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Daniel Kurtzer and Zionist Menace

Former US Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer showed how deeply Zionists have penetrated the US government when he participated in the Nov. 10 ME Peace Process Panel at the Nation Press Club.

Kurtzer starts speaking at 66:00. He very quickly drops into Hasbarah speak
  • when he categorically rejects the one-state solution,
  • when he denies linkage of domestic and foreign politics,
  • when he Zionistically babbles about the threat that Arab states perceive in a nuclear Iran, and
  • when he equates Palestinians refugees with Zionist squatters.
Kurtzer asserts that the last 80 years proves the non-viability of the one-state solution when nothing is clearer in contemporary international politics than the utter failure of partition as a solution.

Kurtzer distorts the conflict when he denies the domestic component of foreign policy in an age of globalization. Obviously, a Zionist has an interest in denying transnational Jewish-Zionist and Arab-Zionist aspects to US foreign policy because Jewish Zionists are so thoroughly embedded in the USA government.

Yet Kurtzer's position is indefensible. Binyamin Netanyahu, Michael Oren, Dore Gold and other senior Israeli leaders are all essentially American Israel Lobby operatives that have been lent to the State of Israel to order to optimize Israeli Lobby control.

The Israel Lobby has also put a tremendous number of agents within the Obama administration. Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod are leaders among the Zionist subversives,
  • whose primary loyalties lie with the "Jewish people" in a very dangerous form of ethnic fundamentalism or ethnic monism and
  • who are the instruments of Israel Lobby control over the USA particularly in matters of foreign policy and economics.
No Benefits Whatsoever to USA from Alliance with State of Israel

The Zionist State and the Zionist imperial system, of which Israel is a rather small part, functions like a leech sucking the life's blood of the USA and every single American.

Without the power of Jewish Zionist subversives throughout the government, the economy and the media, the USA would simply dismantle Zionist Israel and put its criminal leaders on trial as it effectively did with the Baathist Iraq.

While Kurtzer like many American Jewish Zionists may simply be ethically handicapped, there is something far more sinister in his equation of (1) Palestinians brutally expelled from their homes according to longstanding criminal Zionist plans with (2) Zionist squatters immorally living on stolen Palestinian land in contravention of international law, for he is spouting standard Zionist talking points. When Kurtzer expresses such ideas, he calls into question where his loyalties lay during his whole tenure as a US diplomat.

It hardly takes a Harvard degree for a patriotic American -- something the Kurtzer apparently is not -- to realize that pandering Jewish racism and immorality is a non-starter as a basis for the USA to craft a viable international system in the ME.

Kurtzer may betray the source of his fundamentally un-American biases and lack of ethics when he mentions his mentor former Columbia Professor J.C. Hurewitz, who wrote The Struggle for Palestine. Hurewitz' book covers up Zionist crimes far more than it provides any reasonable understanding of the politics and events surrounding the theft of Palestine by E. European invaders.

Hurewitz like the vast majority of Jewish Zionists from the beginning of the Zionist movement until the present day believed that Jews had an absolute right to plunder and kill non-Jews with impunity. Like his protégé Kurtzer, Hurewitz was a psychopath.

Such a mental aberration does not necessarily disqualify a person from the foreign service. In fact, in some cases it might even increase effectiveness, but Kurtzer's Zionist mentality seems to have made him incapable of providing rational analysis to the US government.

Zionist Jews would of course like to believe that because of the Iranian threat Israel and Arab states share an interest that might outweigh the Palestine question, but a competent or loyal US state department official would point out that the Iranian threat presents an opportunity for Arab states to justify need for US military aid and US foreign policy concessions that the US would not otherwise have to make.

Kurtzer shows a similar Zionist blindness in his discussion of PA actions against the Palestinian resistance in Qalqilya (83:00). His analysis may be correct, but it is Zionist not American. A patriotic US state department official would also point out that from another viewpoint, the PA could be seen as acting like Quisling Nazi-occupied government against the valiant anti-Nazi resistance.

Kurtzer's clear disloyalty to the USA forces careful attention to the meaning of opposition to settlements by Zionists. The other Jewish Zionist panelist Daniel Levy, who directs the ME Initiative of the New America Foundation, supported Kurtzer's position.

Both Kurtzer and Levy indicated that the US government already has the means in place prevent or to discourage settlement building. Kurtzer pointed out that the US government since 1989 has had been able to monitor how Israel uses US aid while Levy recommended that the IRS strip tax deductible status from contributions to organizations promoting settlement building.

Instead of directing the US government to undertake anti-settlement action, Obama has failed to issue some obvious executive orders and has even brought exceptionally dangerous Zionists like Harvard Professor and former AIG director Marty Feldstein into the US government.

During his tenure at AIG Feldstein helped developed financial instruments (1) that made it possible for the State of Israel to obviate US monitoring of aid allocation and (2) that later formed the models for the CDOs, CDSs, and synthetic CDOs that brought the US economy to its knees in 2008.

The apparent intra-Zionist settlement debate reflects a power struggle between "Labor" factions, whose power has shrunk tremendously within the Zionist imperial system since the late 1970s, and the maximalist Jabotinskyian Zionists, who have less reluctance to wage full-scale ethnonational financial warfare.

Like Feldstein, Emanuel, whose father was almost certainly mass murderer in a Jabotinskian militia during the 1947-8 genocidal Zionist aggression against Palestinians, probably himself belongs to the dominant Jabotinskian faction.

As much as the Jabotinskians and remnant Labor Zionists are split over political strategies, both groups are panicked at increasing scrutiny of Zionist political and economic power that has rendered the US a dependent and intimidated client state within the Zionist power structure.

Zionist fears indicate that Zionists consider themselves vulnerable. The disagreements of Zionists may ultimately provide opportunities for an American anti-Zionist resistance to defeat the Zionist conspiracy that has stolen America from its citizenry.

As deeply as dangerous Zionist subversives like Kurtzer, Feldstein, and Emanuel have penetrated into the US government, there is still hope to free America and to liberate the world from the Zionist menace.

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